Media curriculum and student gallery

1. Camera Techniques
Camera movements in conjunction with other story and production elements engage an audience
Each camera shot directs the audience to look at person, a scene or an object in a particular way –
A camera angle that looks down may make the subject look insignificant
The way a shot is selected tells us about a character Shot Selection The distance between the camera and the subject is an important element when analysing a film.
Usually the closer the subject is to the camera, the more importance the subject is given.The longer that a camera spends on a subject the more important the subject is.
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Lighting not only allows an audience to see the action in a film, it shapes and frames this action drawing attention to objects characters and actions thus illuminating far more than what is on the screen. The colour and quality of the light positions the audience to read the shot or scene in a particular way. Lighting works both literally and symbolically employing both visual codes and conventions to suggest interpretation