Media curriculum and student gallery

Responding Effectively to Students’ Learning Needs
We need to forge honest, open and trustworthy relationships with students, as a teaching tool that can impact upon the efficacy of response to their learning needs within the classroom.
In communicating with students, getting to know their traits, their weaknesses and their strengths, we can begin to understand how best to engage them in the learning.
It is important always to provide extremely enriching learning experiences for learners. In any attempts to meet the learning needs of our learners, one must also consider the preferred method of communication of learning, as well as student interest and the engagement tools we choose to use in order that students really do engage with the learning activities and types of assessment offered.
Video Production Samples
Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Photography research
Teenage Representation
in the Print Media
Sample 2
I regularly conduct diagnostic testing to measure student standards and develop teaching units and assessment rubrics to encourage literacy development. This may be in the form of Pre tests , Surveys Questionnaires , student voice surveys student journals T& L Meetings NCCD evidence and ILPs
I guide students' written analysis of media artworks using a response taxonomy, which allows students to write their thoughts in an ordered manner, showing their knowledge towards some, or all, of the command terms below.
Identify a component of a media artwork that might be discussed
For example, a technical or symbolic element, code, convention of story principle
Describe the use of components within a media artwork
Students use denotation and media arts terminology or recount an aspect or moment within a media artwork.
Explain and the intended meaning and analyse the intended purpose/effect.
Students use connotation and media arts terminology to discuss the link between the component, how the creator has used the component and its intended effect.
Evaluate the degree to which the creator or media artwork achieved his/her/their intention and/or affected the audience.
For example, students may qualify what made a media artwork engaging, or propose why the audience might have responded to it in a way.
Explicit instruction about what and how students should be writing in each section is fundamental to foster abilities to undertake discussion and show knowledge across the response taxonomy
Sample 1
Media Arts tools are dominated by digital technologies; thus, numeracy knowledge and skills are needed in order for students to address broad curriculum outcomes in Media Arts (Grushka & Sellars, 2018). Students use multiple numeracy skills in their everyday planning, processual investigations, and creation and evaluation of media artworks. Relevant numeracy skills include calculating and estimating with numbers, as well as understanding and employing spatial reasoning, scale, proportion, ratios and time concepts.
Students explicitly interpret fractions when learning technical skills, such as using a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera. They understand that to render both high-quality technical outcomes and a successful aesthetic in their media arts outputs requires mastery of the technical equipment and processes used. Students learn to calculate exposure, lighting quality, aperture readings and shutter speed.
Sample 2