Media curriculum and student gallery

Narrative and Ideology SAC

Review Powerpoint about Audience
Key knowledge
the characteristics and construction of media narratives in selected media forms
how audiences from different periods of time engage with, consume and read media narratives
the relationship between and the function of media codes and conventions to convey meaning in selected media forms
the relationship between media narratives and the ideological and institutional contexts in which they are produced, distributed, consumed and read
the way ideologies shape media narratives
the relationship between media narratives and audiences
appropriate media language.
Key skills
explain the characteristics and construction of media narratives in selected media forms
discuss how media narratives are constructed, consumed and read by audiences from different periods of time
analyse the relationship between and the function of media codes and conventions to convey meaning in selected media forms
analyse the relationship between media narratives and the ideological and institutional contexts of production, distribution, consumption and reception
discuss how ideologies shape media narratives
discuss the relationship between media narratives and audiences
discuss audience engagement with, consumption and reading of media narratives
use appropriate media language.
Questions from the VCAA SAMPLE EXAM 2018
Narrative and ideology
Question 1 (3 marks) Describe the relationship between audience engagement and the construction of media narratives.
Question 2 (4 marks)Explain how ideology can shape media narratives.
Question 3 (6 marks)Explain why audiences from different periods of time engage with, consume and read media narratives differently. In your response, refer to one of the narratives that you have studied this year.
Question 4 (7 marks)
Analyse how the relationship between two media codes and/or conventions convey meaning in another narrative that you have studied this year.
Question 5 (10 marks)
Media narratives can convey ideology through the selection and application of media codes and conventions.
Analyse how media codes and conventions convey ideology in the media narratives that you have studied this year.
Review Narrative and Ideology Powerpoint
Questions from the 2019 End of Year Exam
Narrative and ideology Question 1 (4 marks)
Identify an ideology that shaped one media narrative that you have studied this year. Media narrative
Ideology 1 mark
Describe how the ideology identified in part a. shaped this media narrative. 3 marks
Question 2 (3 marks)
The characteristics and construction of a media narrative are dependent on its media form.
Describe one characteristic of a media narrative in a media form that you have studied this year. Media narrative
Media form
Question 3 (6 marks)
Analyse the function of two media codes and/or conventions used to convey meaning in one media narrative that you have studied this year.
Media narrative
Question 4 (7 marks)
Ideologies in society frame the nature, form and structure of media narratives.
Analyse the relationship between one media narrative and the ideological context of its production. In your response, refer to a media narrative that you have studied this year and that has been released within the last five years.
Media narrative
Question 1 (10 marks)
Discuss the relationship between one media narrative that you have studied this year and its audience(s). In
your response, refer to how the audience(s) engages with and reads the media narrative.
Review Sample Responses to VCAA Sample Exam
Review Narrative and Ideology Practice SAC 2020