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FILM STUDIES Year 9/10 Semester: 2 Term: 4
Course Outline
North By Northwest :
Weeks 1-2
"The Hitchcock picture to end all Hitchcock pictures."
— Ernest Lehman, screenwriter
A classic 1959 thriller by Alfred Hitchcock, in which an innocent man mistaken for a spy is chased halfway across the USA by enemy spies searching for a MacGuffin. Probably best known as being that movie that had a climax on Mount Rushmore or more likely as "the movie where a character is chased by a crop duster," a scene which has often been homaged.
Following the analysis of North by Northwest (1959), students will develop a short film response to the text. It should review the major aspects of the movie including storyline, character, camerawork and impact.
Learning Activities : Discussion of film genre (Spy films)
Background research to the film about to be studied (1959 Baby Boom, Civil Rights & Cold War)
Fill out a film response sheet for the movie with adequate detail (well structured responses)
Create a blog post which discusses one aspect of the film that was studied. Present your opinion on it and give some facts from the film to support your idea.
Take extensive notes on the film in order to complete a review of the movie
Review of the Film (Plot, Engagement, Cinematography, Direction)
Create a script for your filmed response. You can use it for your blog post also. Create your film (using both copyright and original content to generate the video)
The Greatest Spy films of all time
Week 3 -4
Following the analysis of The Terminator (1984), students will complete research into the period of time that the film was created, then propose how events at that time impacted the creation of the movie.
Students will create a webpage which gives their opinion on different aspects of the social background in the 1980’s. It should include some media elements.
Discussion of film genre (Action films)
Background research to the film about to be studied (1984 Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War against Russia)
Fill out a film response sheet for the movie with adequate detail (well structured responses)
Create a blog post which discusses one aspect of the film that was studied. Present your opinion on it and give some facts from the film to support your idea.
Review of the Film (Plot, Engagement, Cinematography, Direction)
Create your webpage using original opinion pieces, information from different sources, and media elements to accompany the information.
The Terminator makes Arnold a Star
Indiana Jones & The Raiders of the Lost Ark
Week 5-6
Following the analysis of Indiana Jones & The Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), students will complete a visual timeline of the events which impact a character and their development in response to each event.
Fill out a film response sheet for the movie with adequate detail (well structured responses)
Create a blog post which discusses one aspect of the film that was studied. Present your opinion on it and give some facts from the film to support your idea.
Students will create a digital or analogue representation of all the events which impact one character in the film. They will find images and write brief outlines of each event and how they affect the character
Week 7-8
Following the analysis of Twister (2003) students will record a series of podcasts which each deal with storyline, character and review. This should be done over several films and should include hosted and professional audio.
Discussion of film genre (Action films)
Background research to the film about to be studied (2003 Y2K, George Bush & Facebook Launch)
Students will create a digital or analogue representation of all the events which impact one character in the film. They will find images and write brief outlines of each event and how they affect the character
Fill out a film response sheet for the movie with adequate detail (well structured responses)
Create a blog post which discusses one aspect of the film that was studied. Present your opinion on it and give some facts from the film to support your idea.
Students will develop an audio response series which should be presented as a podcast. Each episode should be 1-3 minutes and cover aspects of the film which has been studied.
The Karate Kid
Week 9-10
Background research to the film about to be studied (1984 Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War against Russia)
Review of the Film (Plot, Engagement, Cinematography, Direction)
Fill out a film response sheet for the movie with adequate detail (well structured responses)
Create a blog post which discusses one aspect of the film that was studied. Present your opinion on it and give some facts from the film to support your idea.
Students will develop an audio response series which should be presented as a podcast. Each episode should be 1-3 minutes and cover aspects of the film which has been studied.
Ok so thats the course outline for term 4 : Lets now have a brief review of the areas that you may have covered in Term 3
Story and Production elements in film