Media curriculum and student gallery

How to complete this task
The production skills exercises that you complete are very important in consolidating a great first score for criteria Two of Production. Whilst they are short productions they should not be considered easy as the more creative and skillfull and insightful your outcome the higher your mark will be . You have complete autonomy for these Tasks
Pre-production involves the planning you go through before
commencing the action of creating a production. Treatments, scripts, storyboards and costume designs are all examples of the planning process, which we call pre-production.
Production is the stage of the media process where you are creating and active in developing your product. Shooting video or film, developing negatives and making enlargements, setting up lights, and programming a website are examples of the production stage.
Post-production occurs once the bulk of the production process is complete. Post-production involves fine-tuning and manipulating your production so you finish up with a complete and coherent product. Editing video footage, touching up and mounting photos, and conducting multimedia tests are examples of post-production activities.
GUIDELINESVideo 20-90 Seconds/ Photography 2-4 images/ Animation 15-30 Seconds/ Print 2-4 page layout/ Multimedia 2-4 minute interaction / Other mediums TBA You could elect to work in the same medium for this exercise as your major production.
These exercises must be differentiated from your major production though you cannot use the work from your Media Production Exercises in your Production.
TIPS : Chose short productions that you are really interested in – and that could help You learn skills that you will be using in your major Media production
Organise- set out a timeline for what you are going to do and when: If you need to shoot video or photos -plan this for the weekend- not class time which will limit your production.
Control- this is your production- not the teachers idea or your friends- its all yours and will reflect your interests and ideas:
Focus: Get the task done- don’t procrastinate – or make excuses – this is your chance to create something GREAT
Finish: Make sure you finish and present your productions so they are accessible for assessment :
The Documentation
A Statement of Intention that describes the purpose of the exercise: aesthetics and/or structural capacities and/or characteristics of a media product to be explored; technical equipment to be operated; applications used and/or media processes to be applied to develop particular skills to present specific ideas to achieve particular effects and/or explore aesthetic qualities.
(Describe the general intention of your piece. What do you hope to achieve in this exercise. This may include learning to use technical equipment and/or applying a certain media process and application to achieve a specific effect or to express an artistic style: What equipment will you use? The audience you wish to engage)
1.: Statement of Intention
For my first production I wish to take a photograph of the Melbourne city skyline. This will Illustrate Melbourne city skyscrapers at night. I intend to take this photograph between 7-10 pm at Southbank by the Yarra River. I wish to capture the beauty of the city buildings, their light illumination and reflection on the water of the river. I will therefore compose a large-scale panoramic shot that will include elements of form, line and lighting. I wish to create a photograph that is aesthetically pleasing and evokes a calm and tranquil atmosphere. I will then import the photo into Photoshop where I intend to exploit the hue properties colour and contrast of the city lights through the image adjustment tools. I wish to examine these tools to enhance the colour and tone of the image. I will therefore present 2 prints each highlighting different ranges of the image adjustment tools
2. (Discuss elements or specifications that will best help you convey your selected concepts/ideas to your intended audience. Explain how you plan to explore /examine or use these elements to communicate meaning or to achieve your style/ application or process) Explore aesthetic or structural qualities / Applications or processes/ capacities of technical equipment
COMPOSITION I wish to examine a number of compositional elements in my cityscape photograph. The use of repetition and line will be important compositional elements in my photograph to engage my audience. The repetition of the buildings creates natural forms and linear elements, which create scale, form and balance. Through this repetition I hope to exploit the linear elements of the composition. The use of leading lines will assist in guiding my audience’s perspective through the entirety of the photo. I wish to also explore the rule of thirds where my photograph will have a dominant element as a key focal point within this zone. The combination of compositional elements of repetition, line, shape and rule of thirds will provide the foundation for my nightscape photograph. It is these elements, which need to be successfully utilised to combine with the lighting, and reflective elements in the photograph to create a tranquil, peaceful and aseptically pleasing photograph to viewSpecification
2 LOCATION My second specification is location. The location of my composition is extremely important, as it will allow me to capture and convey an iconic cityscape view of Melbourne. Southbank has been specifically designed around the Yarra River, which frames the CBD skyline. This is an ideal location to photograph the city skyline. In order to achieve a composition that has reflects the city buildings in the river I will need to take the photograph at approximately 8.30pm. At this time Southbank provides sufficient light to illuminate the water, which allows for reflection of the city skyline. Location and time will be critical factors in enabling me to take this composition.
3. Evaluation
Evaluate the function of technical equipment, applications and media processes in the presentation of ideas and to achieve particular effects,
Document and discuss some of the capacities of the equipment and media applications that you applied in your production exercise and explain the extent to which your product achieved you intention.