Media curriculum and student gallery

Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgements to improve future learning.
Effective teachers use student assessment results to evaluate the impact of their teaching on student learning, and then adapt their practices to better meet the needs of all students.
Assessment ‘of’ learning usually happens at the end of a cycle of learning for summative purposes. Assessment ‘for’ learning refers to integrating assessment information into the teaching and learning process. Assessment ‘as’ learning has a stronger emphasis on students becoming independent learners. Assessment ‘as’ and ‘for’ learning are often referred to as formative assessment.
Effective teachers see formative assessment as an integral part of teaching and learning, for both themselves and their students. Using data and feedback, teachers identify important issues, which drive inquiry and actions. They monitor the impact of their actions and adjust their practice accordingly.
A range of comprehensive formative and summative assessment data provides the basis of regular feedback and reporting to students and parents who are engaged as partners in improving student outcomes.
I am highly experienced in designing criteria for assessment and the reporting of student attainment and achievement. I regularly conduct diagnostic testing to measure student standards and develop teaching units and assessment rubrics to encourage literacy development.
I utilise Student Management Tools for assessment report writing and student data.
I actively use VCE data service reports to evaluate student performance and set achievement level goals supported by teaching strategies.
I utilise my experience as an exam assessor and subject reviewer for VCAA to enhance teaching and learning and assessment strategies. In this regard, I refine teaching content, learning and assessment specific to my insight into the VCE exam which is of significant benefit to my students evidenced by their excellent results.
Assessment in Moodle
Dates clearly communicated to students and parents
Mid term observations communicated to student parents and VCE Coordinator
Rubrics and grading defined