Media curriculum and student gallery

Year 10 Media Term 2
Media and communication is the world's fastest growing industry and is an area of rapid and continuous change. The media entertain, educate, inform and provide channels of communication, which influence the way people, spend their time and help shape the way they think of themselves and others. We live in a world, which is increasingly saturated with media images, representations and new media technologies. The Year 10 Media course provides students with an exciting opportunity to learn about the nature of the Media and to gain a range of media production skills to communicate effectively and creatively. This course gives students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of various media forms and to develop and apply media production skills. It encourages students to utilise their media skills to create and make media productions and explore and respond to media conventions
Course Aims
1. To bring students to an awareness of the pervasive nature of the various forms of the media in our society.
2. To teach students about the various processes of media production and to give them the opportunity to practice some of those processes.
3. To teach students techniques, skills and processes particular to photography, video and web production so that they can create media products appropriate to chosen forms and styles
4. To provide students with opportunities where they can assume roles within production groups to create media products suitable for particular audiences whilst experiencing co-operative and self-sufficient work practices.
5. To develop in students an understanding of the impact of information technologies and the ability to use such technologies in the construction of media products

Units of Study

Learning Outcomes
Analyse, interpret and appreciate media and communication technologies
Demonstrate an understanding of production and story elements and how they structure film narratives to engage audiences
Understand and apply video production design processes and manage and organise a group production
Knowledge and application of advertising print conventions
The ability to operate an SLR digital camera and use composition and photographic conventions
Film analysis. Study and analysis of story and production elements used in film narrative
Video Production. Students learn the video production process from concept, storyboarding, production and postproduction editing. Student’s complete technical exercises and a short film in a group Digital imaging and Advertising.
Print Advertising . Students create print advertisiements for commercial and not for profit organisations
Digital Photography project Students use their knowledge of the SLR Digital camera, and composition principles, to compose a series of photographs to illustrate their own 2014 Calendar.
Film review and reports 20%
Video production 30%
Advertising folio 20%
Project 30%