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Criteria 2 









So by students working collaboratively  in a pair together they are tasked to use photography to create a visual advertisement for a well known designer brand – re packaged for a teenage audience .


So the focus here is to immediatey adopt a student centred approach which  agenders motivation, engagement and student agency


The aim is to also tap into the ARCS  model of motivation which is to gain  their Attention – provide them with Relevancy of a task , encourage them to build confidence and achieve Satisfaction


So they select their desired designer brand  which is commonly a perfume or cologne  and take a photo -using either a digital SLR , IPad or mobile phone ( differentiate ) where they themselves are the model promoting the product . They can then include one sentence of copy text or a slogan – and include the placement of the product. This can be readily achieved in the students home environment 

Structuring the task         Explain. :  Knowledge Construction  

Lesson 1 -2  Teacher introduces task - demonstrates how to complete the task

                     Student nominate the pair they wish to work in and assign roles ( zoom breakout rooms ) 


                     EXPLORE :  Information Exchange  

                     Students brainstorm  ideas , photo compositions ,-mise en scene -  copy text product placement 


 Lesson 3-4  Students take a range of photographs in the studio or in their designated location : Students upload and edit 

                     their photos 

Lesson 5-6   Students composite their chosen photo in photoshop and include further layers - such as Brand Copy text  

Lesson 7-8   Each pair present their outcome to the class articulating their ideas - Advertisement Design and  reflect on the 

                     their knowledge and skills gained through this outcome 

                     Explain.Knowledge Construction  

Explicit teaching - The teacher demonstrates the  work flow and process combining elements such as a Photograph - Product placement

                     copy text 

Worked Examples - The teacher presents a worked example and explains each step. Later, students can use the worked examples during independent practice and review and embed new knowledge

Collaborative Learning -Collaborative learning occurs when students work in small groups and everyone participates in a learning task. There are many collaborative learning approaches, each uses varying forms of organisation and tasks.

Collaborative learning is supported by designing meaningful tasks. It involves students actively participating in negotiating roles, responsibilities and outcomes

Each pair work on their advertisement –


Questioning - The teacher  enquires and has students articulate and describe their idea , photo composition and approach 


During prac class this  enables students to negotiate roles - e.g  the photographer or Model : the Image Editor - the Copywriter The image cpmpositor  and provides an opportunity to introduce or extend their skills in photoshop : which may focus on the application of layers – image adjustment or masking

Metacognition / Feedback 

When they have completed their advertisement they present it to the class in a brief presentation where they talk about their idea – their construction of composition – and the rationale and meaning of their copy text


What is evident through this introduction to photography that students love being in the position of model and are highly engaged in creating the most appropriate copy they feel works with the image – the product and style


In this exercise they use multiple intelligence learning styles of

Interpersonal -working with others: Intra personal – representing themselves

Kinesthetic – body pose

Visual Spatial – Composing the photo

Linguistic verbal -writing copy and

Evaluate  Assessment reflection. 


Assessment is based on the Strands  - Making and Responding  –

Explore and Represent Ideas-  

Media Arts Practices

Present and Perform

Respond and Interpret

Assessment is based on 

The quality and style of composition

Proficiency in writing copy text- literacy

Ratio  scale placement of product –

Branding of their product

Organisation and management



Adresses Blooms cognitive domain – Recall ( brand identification ) UNderstad m( how image is constructed )  Apply ( use the camera and editing tools )  Analyse ( arrange elements) Synthesise ( create Build)  Evaluates- reflect and report

Multiple exposures

Multiple exposures provide students with multiple opportunities to encounter, engage with, and elaborate on new knowledge and skills.

Research demonstrates deep learning develops over time via multiple, spaced interactions with new knowledge and concepts. This may require spacing practice over several days, and using different activities to vary the interactions learners have with new knowledge.


To further affirm the students work it is then displayed in the classroom – school corridors – year level areas and galleries . Often the work is tiled in illustrator -to make large full scale presentations


The students visual work is also displayed on their website – ( which the students design ) to serve as a visual gallery of their production work

Elaborate.   Development. 


This leads to further student centred work using photography portraiture – such as designing magazine covers  and a Social awareness posters

setting goals - Students to represent themselves  successfully create an advertisement to brand  a product

Pedagogy.   Engage :   Relationship Development  Activating Strategies 

In the age of selfies where students use mobile phones to record themselves and events there have become greater challenges for teachers to engage students in the craft of photography .

Photography is much more than just taking happy snaps


As a visual Art medium we aim to teach photography as a medium of creative expression where through portraiture – the photographer has the power to reflect emotion , attitude and mood. ( dimension of creating and making ) . In pPhotojournalism we teach students the power of the visual image to reflect cultural values or to effect change in the world ( exploring and responding )


So one of the first tasks I give to my students is designed to shift their perception of photography as only a method to record – to realise  its incredible power to create , transpire and transform



SC2    Demonstrated experience in planning for and implementing high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth

Making and Responding  –

Explore and Represent Ideas-  

Present and Perform

Respond and Interpret

Media Arts Practices

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