Media curriculum and student gallery

SAC Revision
The name and production date of the texts studied are
Gallipoli 1981 Shame 1988
Question 1
(a) Describe an idea, an attitude or a discourse that is
evident in a text that you studied this year.
short answer worth 3 marks
(b) Describe the term emerging value
Provide definition worth 3 marks
(C) Identify and explain key events that occurred in society during the texts production that may have influenced a representation/s or value/s from one text studied
Provide 3 examples of events and where they may have influenced or be evident in a value or representation for a 1980s
3 marks
(d) Explain and discuss how a social value reflected in your text was also represented in either one television commercial or popular song of the same period.
For this response you need to firstly reference the value from the main text and then indicate how this value has reinforced or opposed in another media text ( e,g -song - tv advertisement ) worth 3 marks
Question 2
Media texts often reflect the social values of the period in which they were made. The representations within the texts can also reflect the social values and important events of the time.
Select any 2 representations from the list below
Archy Hamilton, Frank Dunne The Australian soldiers: The British Commanding Officers , Mateship or Sport
Asta Caddell, Lizzie Curtis, Tim Curtis, Wal Cuddy Mrs Rodolph: Danny Fiske and the gang of boys
Answer the following
Describe the representations and how the representations were introduced and constructed (costume, camera, sound, visual composition
Explain the social value(s) embodied within the representation. And how these values may reflect events that occurred during the production of the text
Address each dot point : You need to give attention to how the representation was introduced. Look to any production values- such as camera shot or angle, visual composition , sound and costume. Discuss how this representation has been framed from the outset to either engage , confront or be in opposition to the audience
Then discuss through the characters development the values embodied in the representation and how these values may represent events that occured during the production period
Question 3 (a)
An oppositional social value is strongly positioned against dominant social values often within the same media text.
Discuss and describe how a dominant value such as Patriotism/ pride in Australia was represented in Gallipoli through Archy. Compare Archy’s attitude and values with an oppositional value held by Frank Dunne .
8 marks
3(b) Discuss how SHAME reflects the emerging rights of Women in the late 1980s which challenge and oppose values in Ginborak and the tension this creates.
Discuss the values Shame challenges or opposies towards the representation of Australian identity evident in Gallipoli
To address this question you must focus on the central character Asta - her actions in the text and how she typifies the changing role of women in Australian society ( evidenced by events during the production period)
The second part of the question requires you to compare Shame with Gallipoli and discuss the values Gallipoli celebrates which Shame opposes 7 years
later in the 80s decade
10 marks